Common Property Rights - Table of Contents

Below is the table of contents for Common Property Rights: A Process Driven Approach to Solving the Complete Sustainability Problem.


List of Key Illustrations ..... 3
Foreword ..... 6
Introduction ..... 9

Part 1. Common Property Rights

1. The Basic Concept of Common Property Rights (CPR) ..... 22
CPR is a comprehensive system for managing common property sustainably.

2. A Representative Case of Solution Failure ..... 29
Using a typical solution as an example, this chapter shows why present popular solutions are incapable of solving the sustainability problem.

3. Solving the Tragedy of the Commons ..... 48
The tragedy occurs due to lack of property rights for common property.

4. Why the Solution Must Be Generic and Efficient ..... 52
Then Common Property Rights will work as well as private property rights.

5. How the Seven Components Work Individually ..... 57
The seven components are enabling legislation, stewards, claims, fees, buys, targets, and monitoring of common property health.

6. How the Seven Components Work Together as a System ..... 69
The CPR system has the emergent property of high efficiency.

7. Sample Legislation ..... 76
This allows visualizing how CPR could be legally created surprisingly easily, due to high reuse of existing property rights law.

8. Objections and Questions about Common Property Rights ..... 83
Here we whack away at CPR to expose its potential weaknesses.

Part 2. The Process Must Fit the Problem

9. The Six Deadly Sins of the Wrong Process ..... 93
Why has the human system failed to solve the problem? Because problem solvers have committed The Six Deadly Sins of the Wrong Process.

10. The System Improvement Process (SIP) ..... 108
A process that fits the problem is presented. By contrast the next three chapters are processes that don’t fit. This explains why they have all failed.

11. The Impenetrable Black Box of Comparative Analysis ..... 132
Commons research uses comparative analysis. This fails because it produces a black box model. What’s needed is a glass box model.

12. The Mysterious Affliction of Superfluous Researchism ..... 144
Economists use a smorgasbord of research techniques rather than a central problem solving process. This fails due to problem complexity and novelty.

13. The Crippling Limitations of Classic Activism ..... 153
Public interest activists use Classic Activism. This works on simple problems but fails on complex problems where change resistance is high.

14. Thinking in Terms of Process Maturity and Defect Reduction ..... 171
Every unresolved root cause the human system contains causes problems. Each problem is a defect. The more mature a process is the greater the defect reduction it can achieve because the more root causes it can find and resolve.

15. Principles of Analytical Activism ..... 190
The alternative to Classic Activism is Analytical Activism. This is a hard science approach to solving activist problems by use of the Analytical Method.

Part 3. Analysis and Solution Convergence

16. Summary of Analysis Results ..... 198
The Summary of Analysis Results table is presented, with emphasis on root causes. The table contains four subproblems.

17. Analysis of the Change Resistance Subproblem ..... 208
Overcoming change resistance is the crux of the problem. Analysis of how to do that is presented, along with six solution elements.

18. Analysis of the Life Form Proper Coupling & Model Drift Subproblems ..... 281
These are analyzed together since they share the simulation model so closely. The analysis concludes solution is impossible due to high change resistance.

19. Striking Where Change Resistance Is Low ..... 319
It appears there’s a way through the brick wall of change resistance after all. How to do this with the four step Leverage Chain Diagram is explained.

20. Pushing on High Leverage Points with Solution Elements ..... 359
The leverage chain employs twelve solution elements. The first seven have already been presented. This chapter presents the rest.

21. Analysis of the Environmental Proper Coupling Subproblem ..... 400
We can strike where change resistance is low by starting with CPR. This chapter presents a surprisingly simple analysis because no simulation is used.

22. Possible Objections and Questions about the Analysis ..... 420
Here we critique and probe the analysis.

23. Solving All Three Pillars of the Sustainability Problem ..... 431
The root cause analysis has gone so deep that resolving the root cause of the environmental pillar will lead to social and economic sustainability as well.


Project History and Acknowledgements ..... 439
Marginal Cost Curves ..... 446
Three Examples from Virginia’s Allocation Worksheet ..... 448
Endnotes ..... 454
Index ..... 472